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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

marco blaze: hotness redux; or "let me at him"

okay, give me that fuckin' gun. i'm moving in and taking over. i'll be only a little bit more gentle taking this one down! woof!

complaint: after this workover, the least this lazy poser of a top could do is bend him over, bind his ass down hard, and pound his brains into next week. if he's not going to do it, he needs to get out of my way!! that's what i have to say for today, anyway...

seriously, i find these photos both titillating and disturbing. titillating because i find marco blaze overwhelmingly attractive. titillating because i would like to dominate and rape the guy. disturbing because i find even the most violent image here to be in some inexplicable way sexually arousing. this is causing me to rethink the relationship between desire and aggression, sexuality and violence... i'm indexing sex and violence for future thought and discussion.


  1. Incredible sexual brutality and I think its romantic

  2. Hey Tom, There is a movie titled "Cruising" (1980) which caused a big stir due to the gay sex/violence content. A friend was a consultant on this film and was very pissed off at the final result. There was one scene in particular w; sex/murder I still can't get over; extremely hot but very violent!

  3. ADAM KILLIAN is the ultimate sweaty brutal Alpha Male



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